How Does Cloud Hosting Edge Over Shared Hosting?

Although the advantages of Cloud Web Hosting are well known, Shared Hosting remains the preferred choice among new business websites. This is particularly due to the reason that it fits well within the budget of budding entrepreneurs. Also, it is much easier to start with for those who have no technical knowhow about web hosting. But, with an increase in business and growth in traffic, there comes a time when websites hosted on Shared Hosting becomes very slow and cannot keep pace with the aspirations of the business. That is where Cloud Hosting comes into the picture.

Disadvantages of Shared Hosting

If you are on Shared Hosting and you start experiencing any of the factors enumerated below, then it may be the time to make the switch to Cloud Hosting.

  1. Slow performance: With high traffic, sometimes your website can experience slow page loading time. Page speed is an important factor both for user experience and search engine rankings. Shared Hosting has limitations when it comes to resources, and since most of the resources are shared between many clients, your website may end up having very slow page speed.
  2. Security concerns: A server is shared between many users, which poses security threats. The same IP address is allocated to all the users, so if one gets blacklisted, it could have an adverse impact on others as well.
  3. Control: Shared Hosting doesn’t allow much customisability due to its restricted server access.

These factors can help you determine the right time to migrate from Shared Hosting. Cloud Web Hosting is a trustworthy option to overcome the lacunae of Shared Hosting.

Advantages of Cloud Web Hosting

  1. Highly reliable: Being connected to many servers, it offers high reliability in case of a glitch in one server. This provides consistent uptime for your website, which can allow your business to flourish.
  2. Better performance: Cloud Hosting is at the pinnacle position when it comes to performance. It loads at lightning speed which can process dynamic requests with ease. This is particularly helpful for a website with high traffic volume.
  3. Scalable: You can easily increase or decrease the opt-in resources as per your requirement, without waiting for permission from the hosting provider. One can easily scale RAM and CPU resources instantly.
  4. Better security: It allows auto up-gradation, which keeps your website database secured from cyberattacks. It is well suited for protection against threats like malware attacks, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, and cross-scripting. Data is also secured through encrypting,  which makes it impossible for hackers to read valuable information.


The time to decide when to switch to Cloud Hosting depends mostly on the requirement of the website. Cloud Web Hosting offers the best services for your website, but it comes at a price. However, if your business requirement is reliability and security, then no other hosting option comes close to Cloud Hosting. For medium and large businesses which receive a large amount of traffic or for an e-commerce website, Cloud Web Hosting is the best option available in the market.